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  • Black Knight fulfills dream of serving

    Less than one percent of the population joins the military every year. Some, join the military for school, travel or other benefits. For others, joining the ranks is something that has always been part of their life plan. The latter is true for U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Robert Matthews, 19th

  • 18th Air Force commander dives into Little Rock’s warrior culture

    U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Sam Barrett, 18th Air Force commander, explored the many capabilities of Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, Jan. 28-31, 2019, including Airmen’s ability to generate agile combat airlift, ensure full-spectrum readiness and embody a warrior culture.

  • 18th Air Force commander dives into Little Rock’s warrior culture

    U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Sam Barrett, 18th Air Force commander, explored the many capabilities of Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, Jan. 28-31, 2019, including Airmen’s ability to generate agile combat airlift, ensure full-spectrum readiness and embody a warrior culture.

  • 41st AS practices alternative combat offload techniques

    Loadmasters from the 41st Airlift Squadron traveled to alanding zone in Alexandria, Louisiana, to practice loading and offloadingmethods typically used in austere locations Aug. 26, 2016. The mission for theday was removing a 1,430-lb. C-130 engine stand trailer unit using the CombatOffload Method B